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ROSIE - Responsible and Innovative SMEs in Central Europe

Project acronym: ROSIE

Project name: Responsible and Innovative SMEs in Central Europe

Programme: Interreg Central Europe

Topic: Innovation

Project index number: CE1004

Project duration: 07/2017 - 06/2020

Project aims: ROSIE’s main objective is to use transnational cooperation to improve skills among entrepreneurs and innovation actors to promote RI in SMEs. ROSIE’s outputs are tools and training to improve RI capacity, with a comprehensive RI strategy and transnational Pilot to test tools and strategic proposals. Outputs benefit key innovation actors: public authorities gain a policy framework, business support / sectoral agencies enhance SME support services, SMEs improve innovation processes. Short-term change sees increased capacity of innovation actors (min.75) and SMEs (min.315) to design and implement RI strategies and proposals for RI policy governance. ROSIE promotes medium-long-term change through improved territorial, socio-economic integration, SME competitiveness and evolution of a comprehensive RI system.

The transnational approach uses quadruple helix stakeholder engagement and covers:
- Exchange and partner training on RI tools that can help SMEs to understand RI, identify
RI needs and define strategies, work with the innovation chain;
- Development of RI Road Maps in local areas and CE macro-region, using transnational
exchange and capitalization;
- Transnational Pilot Action (grouping 9 local areas) for SME capacity building, RI tool
application and fund leverage.
Project budget: 1.866.558,75 EUR
ERDF funding: 1.549.375,05 EUR
Project leader:
- Azienda speciale della C.C.I.A.A. di Forlì-Cesena
- Giulia Bubbolini |


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ROSIE projekt_radionica_skripta.pdf [PDF] 0,50 mb ROSIE projekt_radionica_materijali.pptx [DOC] 23,79 mb